If your employer operates a childcare voucher scheme, you can use it to save on Income Tax and National Insurance contributions. You can currently claim a maximum of £243 per month through this scheme. The amount is deducted from your gross salary by your employer before Income Tax and National Insurance and is used to provide childcare vouchers for the same amount.
We accept most childcare vouchers, which are directly paid into the Nursery account by the childcare voucher provider and are offset against your monthly fee invoice.
Childcare is a great investment for the future of your child, but we know that paying for childcare can be a considerable expense, so we believe it is important that you are aware of what options are available to help.
There are several options to consider including the use of tax credits, employer childcare vouchers and entitlement under the Nursery Education Funding Scheme for 3 and 4 year olds. For detailed information, we recommend checking the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years website (click here). There is also the Early Years Pupil Premium – a new scheme which has been introduced, wherein nurseries can obtain extra funding for resources to help inspire and educate disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds (for full eligibility criteria see the Department for Education guidelines here).
This is a government grant to help with nursery education costs for pre-school children. It is part of a drive to improve Early Years education and can only be used in Ofsted registered settings such as our own.
Children aged 3 and 4, living in Croydon, currently receive 15 or 30 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. The funding is paid directly to the Nursery. We also subscribe to the scheme for 2 year olds.
30 hours childcare for 3 and 4 year olds has been available in England since September 2017. This doubled the existing 15 hours and could save you up to £5,000 per year.
Parents can check their eligibility using the online childcare calculator (click here) and, if eligible, submit an online application. Once signed up, parents will receive an eligibility code to bring to the nursery. The nursery will then check the code with our local authority. If eligible, parents can book their 30 free hours.
Please contact us with your requirements so that we can advise you with regards to our fee rates.
All fees are inclusive of breakfast, lunch, tea and any snacks provided throughout the day. However there is a little charge for the funded children.
Any absences, including holidays, sickness, adverse weather, Bank Holidays and outside of Christmas closures, are charged at full rate.
Fees are reviewed annually, with parents given two months notice of any proposed changes.
Settling in fees are £204 for 12 hours.
11 Harold Road, Upper Norwood, London, SE19 3PU - 020 8771 7727 - info@firststepdaynursery.co.uk
Families with children can often claim Child Tax Credits, although the threshold for this has recently changed (click here for the government guidelines and tax credit calculator). You can also apply for Working Tax Credits if are currently employed but are on low income (for full information click here).
Eligibility and credit amount will vary depending on your individual circumstances.
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